Slyším v noci tikat hodinky
The book Slyším v noci tikat hodinky (I can hear the watch ticking in the night) from the publishing house Cesta domů introduces the reader to the life and death of the young poet Jiří Wolker. It builds on the surviving correspondence between Wolker and his parents, which is supplemented by excerpts of Wolker’s poetry. The typesetting combines the Jaroslav🔗 (Suitcase Type Foundry) and Skolar🔗 (Rosetta Type Foundry) typefaces, with colour accents created using Pantone 1635 spot color. The book was printed on Munken paper by H.R.G.🔗 The book is published on the 120th anniversary of Wolker’s birth.

The cover is delicately illustrated by Martina Špinková’s watercolour covers